Santa Barbara is at a crossroads with empty storefronts on State Street. As your Councilmember, I want to move forward with a plan to invigorate our local economy making it easier for local businesses to open their doors to produce jobs and revenue. The city should be our partner in success not an obstacle to overcome.

As a small business owner, I know it takes hard work and determination to be successful. But it also takes revenue and a middle class. We can get storefronts filled with local businesses – by streamlining the permit process, and enable downtown to be multi-use to build workforce and student housing.

It’s not a zero sum game: we need to streamline the permit process so local businesses can quickly open their doors for business – creating jobs –so workers will then spend money back in the economy – helping our community thrive.

We need to bring our economic heart back to Santa Barbara making State Street ours again with live music, public art, community events, and workforce and student housing where life is vibrant, inviting, and fun for the locals.